ETC's Heart is With Vegas!
Yesterday, we sadly witness a horrific sense of gun violence in Las Vegas, Nevada. It is sad to say but events like this are starting to affect us almost every day. Many were wounded and unfortunately many innocent people lost their lives. Parents lost their children, children lost their parents, sisters lost their brothers, and brothers lost their sisters. Nonetheless, many family members and friends lost a loved one yesterday.
As we stay current, with what is going on in today’s society, Extra Terrestrial Clothing would like to send our deepest thoughts and prayers for all who were affected yesterday. As a results, out of the catastrophe that took place, it was the act of heroism that made all the difference. Strangers came together and cared for one another in which love was shown. This is way bigger than the event itself. It was through these dire acts of heroism that countless lives were saved. After all, this act of violence affected us all within the nation.
Bothered by the news yesterday, after I watched the 11:00 broadcast, I watch this loving and caring guy who never ignores our current events. His name is Jimmy Kimmel. As we all were tuned in, Jimmy shared his emotion, his thoughts, and his opinion. As the tears fell from his eyes, he spoke of what was an underlying factor in this scenario. He spoke about gun laws. He then went on to explain the major gun violence problem we have in this country. What penetrated me most was when he called out the senators who practically support the National Rifle Association (NRA). This then lead him to asking for a good judgment and action from our elected officials to ensure that something like this doesn’t happen again. Check out the video below.
Needless to say, we never know what the day may bring us or how the day may end. Take today to say thank you and I love you to your loved ones. Try performing a random act of kindness. Extend a hand to someone who needs help. Together let's show our acts of kindness to those around us.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
~Mahatma Gandhi
One love and best wishes,
Out of this world!
Extra Terrestrial Clothing